Stainless Steel Slide Gates for Inland Empire Regional Composting Facility (IERCF) Rancho Cucamonga, CA
General Description
The Inland Empire Regional Composting Facility (IERCF) was constructed in 2007 under a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) agreement between the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) and the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (SDLAC). The IERCF is the nation’s largest indoor biosolids composting facility and completely enclosed to control odors to meet stringent air quality regulations.
The IERCF uses the Aerated Static Pile composting process to recycle over 200,000 wet tons per year of dewatered and stabilized biosolids from IEUA and SDLAC’s wastewater treatment processes, as well as wood waste from local communities. It produces over 230,000 cubic yards of high-quality compost each year for local landscaping and horticultural use. The facility consistently operates at its design capacity, receiving nearly 800 tons per day of biosolids and recycled waste products.
There are many belt and screw conveyors in the mixing and screening areas. Slide gates are used to divert bulk materials to various areas of the composting process. KWS has supplied conveying equipment to IERCF for over 10 years and recently supplied several slide gates to replace existing problematic gates. The existing gates would not open or close properly and were a constant maintenance headache. KWS replaced the existing gates with a superior design that eliminated all the problems.
Composting Facility is Located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Composting Facility is Completely Enclosed to Control Odors
Design Parameters
- Product Type: Biosolids and Wood Waste
- Material Density: 50 Lbs. per Cubic Foot
- Facility Capacity: 800 Tons per Day
KWS Advantages
The existing slides gates were located under drop chutes from hoppers that held biosolids and were made of carbon steel with an exposed track. Material was getting in the track and hindering proper operation. The corrosion of the carbon steel also made the gates difficult to open and close. KWS provided 304 stainless steel slide gates that eliminated corrosion. The exposed track was replaced with stainless steel rollers that would not clog with material.
Special Features
The real advantages are the standard features in a KWS slide gate. In every slide gate, KWS provides stainless steel rollers with graphite-impregnated bronze bushings that are maintenance free and self-lubricating. UHMW retainers divert material over the rollers. Slide gate frames are designed and constructed as one weldment to provide maximum rigidity for heavy industrial applications. If the rollers or UHMW retainers do eventually show wear, they can be simply ordered and bolted in place.
"Since installing the new slide gates, we haven’t had any issues. No binding in the tracks and not having to send out maintenance personnel! Thank you KWS!"
Joshua Oelrich – Compost Facility Superintendent
Section View of Standard KWS Slide Gate
KWS Slide Gates are Rugged, One-Piece Weldment
UHMW Retainers Divert Material Over the Rollers
Cut-Away View of Standard KWS Slide Gate